The talent used to work for the hunter but not for the pet. Even though this talent worked for Bestial Wrath and Intimidation but didn't work for the pet skills.
r4058 | sumilion | 2011-06-29 17:42:51 -0500 (Wed, 29 Jun 2011) | 1 line
* [Hunter] Feign Death - breaks when casting a spell
There was a problem when you used this spell while you were already casting a skill. The Feign death ability was going in cooldown and did become active again until you relog.
By Brian Wood
Beast Mastery is the beloved hunter spec with the strongest and most protective of followers. While a BM hunter was a rare thing to find back in vanilla, BM saw a terrific boost throughout Burning Crusade and the beginning of Wrath of the Lich King. For years BM enjoyed the incredibly rare status of being an excellent spec -- if not the best spec -- for soloing, leveling, pvp, and raiding.
Our first stop is the closest we're going to get to a Patchwerk fight in the Plagueworks. Festergut is darned near a straight up tank & spank, and while once again the melee have it easy, this is the fight where we can pretty much just sit still and pump out our massive sustained DPS.
During the following period, might be week or the whole summer left, I wont be posting that often here. I am not going anywhere like a vacation. It's that I will try to take it more easy and relax a bit more since the time is suitable for this.
I will inform you about fixes and stuffs and I will try to keep the Weekly Skill Overview up.
But in general I will try to post whenever i feel I found something worth posting and informing my fellow hunters.
I am not gonna say how useful this shot is on PvP to silence your target's healer or any caster in in general so that you can kill them without receiving heal or doing any heavy damage to you either but I will mostly talk about it on PvE.