This is the current talent tree with the completely working, semi working and broken talents in the Magic-WoW server.
List of the Talents which are Semi-Working or completely broken
- Thick Hide - Bugtracker - The pet is not gaining any extra armor
- Bestial Discipline - Bugtracker - Talent is broken. Is not increasing the Focus regeneration
- Frenzy - Bugtracker - If you spec on this talent once even if you respec the pet will get the frenzy buff.
- Ferocious Inspiration - Bugtracker - This buff should affect only the hunter and party/raid member. Currently it effect everyone in range just like. Blood Pact
- Cobra Strikes - Bugtracker - This talent is not procing from Arcane shot and Steady. Though it procs from Kill Shot like it should and incorrectly from Auto Shots
- Kindred Spirits - Bugtracker - Kindred Spirit is not affecting white damage of the pet. But it does affect specials.
- Rapid Killing - Bugtracker - This talent is semi bugged. It does reduce the CD of Rapid Fire but Rapid Killing buff is consumed too fast and when the shots hits the target they don't get the benefit from the extra damage.
- Scatter Shot - Bugtracker - Should turn off your autoshot.(This can be done with Macro until fixed)
- Counterattack - Bugtracker - It's not becoming available when your character parries.
- Sniper Training - Bugtracker - If you die the spell will not reapply again until you re log or change specs
List of the skills which are semi-working or completely broken
- Freezing Trap and Freezing Arrow - Bugtracker - This trap can trap a Bladestorming warrior or a CoSed Rogue. This is wrong.
- Flare - Bugtracker - Rogue can Cloak of Shadow to remove the Flare debuff. CoS should not provide this option.
- Viper Sting - Bugtracker - Whenever you try to shoot this sting on a target without a mana pool it should say that the target is invalid. This include Warriors, Rogues and DKs. You can use it against Druids in any form but it will drain mana only if they are in any of the caster forms.
- Snake Trap - Bugtracker - The snakes should give highest priority to poison every hostile target in range before starting melee. If even 1 target is not poisoned then they should keep spiting poison. If the target is immune then the snake will keep spiting until despawn.
- Immolation Trap - Bugtracker - This trap should use 10% of the AP +1885 in total or 2% of the AP +377 per tick. Something is wrong with this trap's coeff.
- Explosive trap - Bugtracker - From the initial hit the Rap coeff is missing and from the dots 1 tick is missing.It tick only for 9 instead of 10.
- Traps in general - Bugtracker - The reapplication of traps has been broken. If for some reason you lose the debuff of the trap or flare you will not be affected again until you leave the AoE and come back in.
- Traps in general - Bugtracker - Rogues can disarm trap outside their supposed range(20 yards). The range to disarm traps is infinite.
- Eyes of the Beast - Bugtracker - You do not gain control of your pet.
List of the Pet skills/talent which are semi-working or completely broken
- Pet AI. Imo we have to improved their AI about what to cast when to cast. For example. If the pet is in melee range with the target then stop trying to cast Dash if the dash is set to autocast etc etc
- Growl This pet skill is not scaling with hunter's RAP. After a certain Hunter's RAP threshold the skill should start scaling with hunter's RAP. More infos about the formula and the threshold click here
- Last Stand Pet skill is broken. Is not increasing the pets health at all.