Saturday, April 30, 2011

Core Revision 5949 - Sumilion

r5949 | sumilion | 2011-04-13 13:00:55 -0500 (Wed, 13 Apr 2011) | 3 lines
* Auras are now deleted and applied, when reapplied, instead of updated, making DOTs, HOTs and other types more dynamic

Core Revision 6011 - Sumilion

r6011 | sumilion | 2011-04-27 09:30:02 -0500 (Wed, 27 Apr 2011) | 2 lines
* fixup for double proc calls on spells that deal direct damage/heal and place a DOT/HOT (Fireball, etc.)
* pets now receive 2 attack power per strength instead of 1

Pets now will receive 2 points of AP for every point of Strenght they have. It used to be 1 point of AP for every point of Strenght.

Core Revision 5972 - Sumilion

r5972 | sumilion | 2011-04-19 18:25:03 -0500 (Tue, 19 Apr 2011) | 1 line
* fixup for guardians, they attack immediately when spawned now.

This will fix snakes immidiately start attacking and not waste 10 sec running towards the hunter when the trap procs, then running back and then aggroing nearby enemies.

This Fix Failed

Friday, April 29, 2011

Mana Regen in ICC - The Plagueworks

Mana Regen Guide for ICC

During patch 3.3 on the Hunting Party Podcast the question was asked what the best way was to regen mana on the Lady Deathwhisper fight, Viper Sting or a few cooldowns onto Aspect of the Viper, And I thought to myself this isn't the only fight mana can become an issue (Note unless you have a really unfavourable 25 man group make up, the only times one would run into mana issues would be on 10 man).
 So I'm going to go through all bosses and write up a few strategies.

First of the important thing is to look at the fight and use it to your advantage. Make use of what Blizzard gives you in each fight.

The Plagueworks

Festergut & Rotface
Festergut is effectively a pimped up Patchwerk in my opinion, and Rotface a tweaked Grobbulus. There aren't really any phases which would be more useful for mana regen then others, so just switch when required.

Professor Putricide
Professor Putricide is also a boss that doesn't really have any phases that are more suited to switching Aspects than others, but you do want to be mana up before he hits the 3rd phase at 35%.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Chimera shot Secrets

I’ve learned that Chimera shot is a somewhat misunderstood hunter shot (up there with Aimed Shot), specifically with regard to exactly what it does when it refreshes serpent sting. And since this directly relates to our awesome new tier 10 2-piece set bonus, now seems like a good time to detail exactly how this works, starting with some basics.

Serpent Sting Portion of Chimera Damage

The serpent sting portion of Chimera Shot damage calculates completely separately as a separate line on recount or your raid parse. Chimera Shot does 40% of the total potential serpent sting damage. It doesn’t matter if you cast it immediately after using serpent sting or when there’s only 1 tick left – the damage is the same. The serpent sting glyph increases the Chimera Shot damage since it increases the total potential damage of serpent sting. Additionally the T9 2-piece set bonus does not affect Chimera Shot damage.

Attack Power Effect of Serpent Refresh

Chimera shot recalculates attack power for serpent sting.
This means that if you have a trinket proc for 1,000 attack power and you hit Chimera Shot, it will refresh your serpent sting with the new, modified extra 1k attack power damage. Likewise when the trinket buff goes away, the next time you cast Chimera Shot your serpent sting will recalculate its damage to the lower attack power.
On other words, there’s no real benefit to recasting serpent sting during AP buffs.
Quelmiran's notes
This is not working exactly like that in our server. If you cast serpent sting on a target with a AP proc it will lock the damage to the highest value until you reapply the Serpent Sting. If you keep using Chimera shot to refresh the Sting it will always do the highest possible damage even if the proc fades away.

Damage Modifier Effect on Serpent Refresh

Chimera shot remembers and refreshes any percentage damage modifier from when Serpent Sting was first cast.
That means if you get the 15% damage boost from a rogue’s Tricks of the Trade and you hit Chimera Shot, it will remember and refresh the damage without the 15% boost. However, if you recast serpent sting you’ll get the 15% boost, and every Chimera Shot thereafter will remember and refresh serpent sting with the 15% damage boost, potentially for the entire fight.
This has a big impact on us with our 2-piece T10 set bonus, which gives us a chance to proc a 15% damage boost. We’ll want to recast serpent sting the first time that procs (assuming it’s on a target that will be alive for a while) and we can then keep that boost the entire fight. And of course this stacks beautifully with our T9 2-piece bonus.

Aspect of the Viper Effect on Serpent Refresh

If you cast serpent sting and then go into aspect of the viper, then cast chimera shot, it will remember and refresh the damage modifier when serpent sting was cast. In other words, you will not have a -50% damage! Your serpent damage will go down a touch because you lost your dragonhawk attack power, and the AP recalculates, but this is a very nice advantage to Chimera.
Likewise, if you actually cast serpent sting while in aspect of the viper, it will then have the -50% damage. Then if you return to dragonhawk, and hit chimera shot, it will remember and refresh the damage modfier from when serpent sting was cast (-50%).
In other words, if you cast serpent sting while in viper, you must recast it when you get out!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Survival Glyphs

This glyph guide is specifically for Survival hunters. Other hunter specs will have different glyph needs, but for the discerning raid Survival hunter, these glyphs will help you on your quest to top the dps charts. Keep in mind that your glyph choice can change based on your gear, and what is the best glyph for one hunter may not be the best for you; however, there are several glyphs that are clearly on top and all very close to each other.

Best Survival Hunter Major Glyphs

Glyph of Explosive shot 
Explosive shot is our highest damaging skill on the Survival spec. And as a Survival hunter you have to boost this skill as much as possible. So giving this shot 6% more chances to crit is not only crucial but also the most valuable glyph for every survival hunter.
g-steadyshotGlyph of Steady Shot
Steady Shot may be the lowest priority shot in the Survival hunter shot rotation; however, it still adds up to be a pretty large contribution to your dps , and adding 10% to that damage makes the Steady Shot glyph a solid #2 in the Survival hunter glyph choices.
The Third Glyph
Every Survival hunter will want the Explosive shot and Steady Shot Glyphs; however, that third slot actually has several options. Which glyph to use for your third major glyph slot depends somewhat on your gear levels.
  • Glyph of Kill Shot is a strong option and is often best for Survival hunters with very high armor pen ratings. If you’re using spreadsheets to evaluate, remember to adjust your settings to a reasonable amount of time in kill shot range (the default is too long and overweights this glyph). Remember that with kill shots, executes, and other talents that boost damage at low health, most boss fights spend far less than 20% of the fight in Kill Shot range.
  • Glyph of the Hawk: This glyph, and haste effects in general, is too often disdained by hunters. While it’s true that haste is our lowest dps-return stat, it is still increasing our damage (primarily through more auto shots) and this glyph is a substantial haste boost. Hawk is definitely one of the top options for your third glyph slot.

Best Survival Hunter Minor Glyphs

g-mendpetGlyph of Mend Pet
This is the best minor glyph by far. Sure, no minor glyphs actually help our dps, but by giving Mend Pet a chance to increase your pet’s happiness, you no longer ever need to carry around pet food again. That is awesomesauce!
g-feigndeathGlyph of Feign Death
Reducing the cooldown of Feign Death can definitely be an advantage in raids where the bosses have a pretty good chance of resisting it. At least you can claim there is some kind of advantage to it, unlike most hunter minor glyphs
g-genericGlyph of Whatever
For your third glyph, there is pretty much nothing that is practically useful except in the most rare situations. So take whatever tickles your fancy.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Marksmanship Glyphs

This glyph guide is specifically for Marksman hunters. Other hunter specs will have different glyph needs, but for the discerning raid MM hunter, these glyphs will help you on your quest to top the dps charts. Keep in mind that your glyph choice can change based on your gear, and what is the best glyph for one hunter may not be the best for you; however, there are several glyphs that are clearly on top and all very close to each other.

Best MM Hunter Major Glyphs

g-serpentstingGlyph of Serpent Sting
Do the math and you’ll immediately see that Serpent Sting is the single largest dps return glyph for the MM hunter – and it’s the best by a large margin! The reason it’s so great is the MM hunter has Chimera shot, which does 40% of the total damage that our serpent sting would do. Increasing the serpent sting duration by 2 ticks thus increases the damage that Chimera Shot does.
g-steadyshotGlyph of Steady Shot
Steady Shot may be the lowest priority shot in the MM hunter shot rotation; however, it still adds up to be a pretty large contribution to your dps (as high as 2nd or 3rd most damaging overall for geared MM hunters), and adding 10% to that damage makes the Steady Shot glyph a solid #2 in the MM hunter glyph choices.
The Third Glyph
Every MM hunter will want the Serpent Sting and Steady Shot Glyphs; however, that third slot actually has several options. Which glyph to use for your third major glyph slot depends somewhat on your gear levels.
  • Glyph of Kill Shot is a strong option and is often best for MM hunters with very high armor pen ratings. If you’re using spreadsheets to evaluate, remember to adjust your settings to a reasonable amount of time in kill shot range (the default is too long and overweights this glyph). Remember that with kill shots, executes, and other talents that boost damage at low health, most boss fights spend far less than 20% of the fight in Kill Shot range.
  • Glyph of Chimera Shot is a favorite of many MM hunters. This glyph is only going to help you at certain haste and latency levels, however. The only certain way to test this is to run out to the target dummies and do your rotation with and without the glyph. See if you actually get more Chimera Shots in while using the glyph. If not, the glyph is doing nothing at all for you.
  • Glyph of the Hawk: This glyph, and haste effects in general, is too often disdained by hunters. While it’s true that haste is our lowest dps-return stat, it is still increasing our damage (primarily through more auto shots) and this glyph is a substantial haste boost. Hawk is definitely one of the top options for your third glyph slot.

Best MM Hunter Minor Glyphs

g-mendpetGlyph of Mend Pet
This is the best minor glyph by far. Sure, no minor glyphs actually help our dps, but by giving Mend Pet a chance to increase your pet’s happiness, you no longer ever need to carry around pet food again. That is awesomesauce!
g-feigndeathGlyph of Feign Death
Reducing the cooldown of Feign Death can definitely be an advantage in raids where the bosses have a pretty good chance of resisting it. At least you can claim there is some kind of advantage to it, unlike most hunter minor glyphs
g-genericGlyph of Whatever
For your third glyph, there is pretty much nothing that is practically useful except in the most rare situations. So take whatever tickles your fancy.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hunter Consumables

Consumables are another way that the raiding hunter can squeeze out just a bit more dps on progression raids.
As a dps class, we are of course interested in doing the most dps we can, and the advantage gained from hunter consumables is generally greater than upgrading a few pieces of gear to the next tier – in other words, don’t dismiss it unless you’re also prepared to dismiss gear upgrades.

In general, every hunter should have the following consumables at every progression raid:

: Shatter Rounds or Iceblade Arrows. Do not skimp here, the difference between epic ammo and the next best thing is massive.
Flask: Flask of Endless Rage. Some hunters prefer to combine the Elixir of Mighty Agility or my favorite and extremely easy to get Guru Elixir and the Elixir of Mighty Thoughts. This is technically a bit better, and feel free, but they do not last through death. The flask is perfectly acceptable and is the hunter standard.
Hunter Food: Blackened Dragonfin if you’re a SV or MM hunter. If you’re BM you’ll prefer Mega Mammoth Meal or the Fish Feast. Sorry MM and SV, fish feasts are not for you and you’re slacking if you use them instead of the dragonfin.
Pet Food: You’ll need Spiced Mammoth Treats for your pet. If you don't want to use Northern Spiced just to boost your pet a bit you can get Kibler's Bits. Instead of 30 Strength and Stamina Kibler's Bits increase this stats for 20. And it's much more easier to craft (as long as you already have the recipe).  
Scrolls: You only need scrolls if you don’t have a shaman or a death knight in your group. But if you don’t, you should have Scroll of Agility VIII for yourself and Scroll of Strength VIII for your pet. 
Replacing Class Buffs
While this doesn’t necessarily fall under the hunter’s responsibility to do this, there are a few class buffs that can be replicated even if the class isn’t there (generally in 10-mans), and it’s something that you definitely want at your raid if you don’t have that class:
Runescroll of Fortitude
if you don’t have a priest in your raid.  
Drums of the Wild if you don’t have a druid.  
Drums of Forgotten Kings if you don’t have enough pallies to get all the pally buffs you need. Again, it’s not necessarily the hunter’s job to bring these; however, if you want to maximize your dps you want to be sure that you have every available buff.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Mana Regen in ICC - The Lower Spire

Mana Regen Guide for ICC

During patch 3.3 on the Hunting Party Podcast the question was asked what the best way was to regen mana on the Lady Deathwhisper fight, Viper Sting or a few cooldowns onto Aspect of the Viper, And I thought to myself this isn't the only fight mana can become an issue (Note unless you have a really unfavourable 25 man group make up, the only times one would run into mana issues would be on 10 man).
 So I'm going to go through all bosses and write up a few strategies.

First of the important thing is to look at the fight and use it to your advantage. Make use of what Blizzard gives you in each fight.

The Lower Spire

Marrowgar is very straight forward. If you should run into any mana troubles, plan ahead and before you run out use a bonestorm phase to switch to Aspect of the Viper and refill. If an MM hunter make sure you don't lose your Serpent Sting though.

Lady Deathwhisper
In going with use what Blizzard gives you, well here Blizzard gives you big fat mana battery in Deathwhisper herself. In this fight its not about how much dps you can do anyway, and depending on what your role is it may not even matter at all. So just relax and if you see yourself dropping low in the first phase just switch to her in between the adds and pop of a singular Viper sting Chimaera Shot combo, and then continue on the adds. Make sure you have enough mana before going into Phase 2 though because this is the burn phase where you do want be able to DPS as much as possible.

Deathbringer Saurfang
Saurfang is a fight where, if you're running out of mana you just gonna have to bite the bullet and switch aspects. As a hunter chances are you'll be asked to look after the beasts (as all ranged should) and you want to dps them down as quick as possible. I suggest once the beast you were focusing on is down, switch in to Aspect of the Viper and see if you can get a few shots off, on someone elses target that may still be up. Just make sure you have enough mana before he goes into his soft-enrage at 30%, because that's when he needs to be burnt quickly.