The Jump Shot
Because backpeddaling is always bad in every situation hunters invented a few way of shoting while running and creating distance with the enemy.
This move is surprisingly easy to get the hang of. It might even come naturally if you’re in a situation where you absolutely need to use it. This has more value in pvp but it has quite a few applications in pve also.
Jump shot is one of the essential tactics of hunters along with strafing and disengage that makes them the greatest kiting class in the whole game. Since a hunter can run away faster from an aggroed mob than they can backpedal, you can engage a mob and then turn and run away from it. While running, jump into the air, hold the right mouse button and use it to twist to a 180 degree turn, so that you are facing the mob, then, while still holding the right mouse button fire at the mob using an instant cast shot, arcane shot for example works well if you are able to use Aspect of the Pack / Cheetah, however otherwise you will probably want to use Concussive Shot. Once the shot has been fired, simply twist your character back to the original facing (away from the mob) and continue to run.
So in other words the Jump Shot tactic is Jump->Turn->Shot->Turn back(forward)->Land
Using this technique you are able to still attack the mob while moving away from it, without any distance or movement penalty.
This skill takes a lot of practice - mostly in getting the mouse movement right. You can't use the keyboard to turn while in flight, because you just don't turn fast enough, so you have to fling the mouse a bit while making sure you don't turn more than 180 degrees.
Your hands will be doing three things - panning the camera, turning your movement/firing direction, and firing instant cast shots. The first two are done by the same hand with the same buttons (left button to pan, right button to turn).
Note: You don't have to actually be facing the foe when you fire, so you can start turning before the shot is fired, just as long as the foe is within your 118 degree firing arc.
Below is a really nice video from Frostheim explaining the tactic and application of the Jump Shot tactic.
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