Friday, July 1, 2011

Weekly Skill Overview (Silencing Shot)

 Silencing Shot 

I am not gonna say how useful this shot is on PvP to silence your target's healer or any caster in in general so that you can kill them without receiving heal or doing any heavy damage to you either but I will mostly talk about it on PvE.

This shot is Off Global Cooldown. That mean you can use this shot without triggering the global cooldown. You can macro this to any of your shot so that you will use it as soon as this shot is available.

There was a lot of misundestandings about if this shot is worth it in PvE and the answer is a big YES. But the reason is not cause you will have to silence or interrupt your target. It's because of the increase on your dps. It has a 20 sec CD and you can think about it like a trinket with 20 sec ICD that does half the damage of your autoshot shot and can also crit. 

And this becomes even more valuable the higher you stack ArPen since it's a physical shot so it's scaling with it. For only 1 point in the MM tree, it really does worth it a lot.

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